June 27, 2011

Wendy's Wedding

My cousin Wendy got married to Josh on June 25th in Twin Falls, Idaho. 
She is now Wendy Kent  Luth.
 This was the first wedding that I have ever been in. Hopefully it will be the last. 
I'm kidding. But it was very stressful.
First of all, I don't like people looking at me.
 Birthday parties, my wedding, baby/wedding showers...they ALL stressed me out. 
I know that the wedding isn't about the bridesmaids, and "everyone will be looking at the bride"
but for a split second everyone in that audience was looking at me,
wobbling down that extra LONG isle with my tall shoes that I could barely walk in. . . 
Luckily, I wore extra deodorent that day.
And even though I ruined the months of May & June WORRYING about it, 
everything turned out okay. 
I didn't trip during the wedding parade.
I looked down when people looked at me.
Grandma modest-fied my bridesmaid dress 2 days before the wedding and it looked great.
Wendy looked beautiful. and happy. and in love.
and the reception was SO much fun.
(warning: this is A LOT of photos)

Four of the EIGHT Bridesmaids. Anne's face cracks me up.
This is where they got married. yikes
The COOLest bridesmaids


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A picture journal from some of our best memories and everyday life.