September 23, 2011

Ben = 11 Months

Cohen has finally grown to like his baby brother. I believe he always loved Ben, but he never really liked him..until now.  Now, the two of them will spend at least an hour a day playing (not together, but in the same room)..without fighting/crying.
The rest of the day, Cohen is locking Ben out of his room so he doesn't destroy his precious train track.  
Ben has perfected his walking skills. No more dirty hands and knees.
He's is a lil' little guy. He looks too short to be walking. But he is still pretty big everywhere else.
He's sweet and cuddle-y and a major mama's boy. i love that.
He's a ham. He does weird/funny things and looks for our reaction...which is usually a laugh, and then he laughs at himself and does it over-and-over again.

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Vista, California, United States
A picture journal from some of our best memories and everyday life.