April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Cohen's forced excitement over an Easter-Egg that I had to pursuade him to pick up.
Ben. Sitting fat and happy.
Me: "Cohen! Pick up the EGGS!...Look how cool these EGGS are!"
Benji and Wes. Having the time of their life.
The EGGS had CANDY in them???!?!?!?!!
We went to church. Had a delicious breakfast-for-dinner (pancakes, plum sauce, whipped cream, and bacon)yummmmmmmmm. Andy read a little something out of the Ensign. Cohen did a little egg hunt. It was nice. 
The week before Easter, my mom, Dawn, and Becka took the kids to Irvine Park's EGGstravaganza, so Cohen could do an egg hunt, ride the train, and go to the zoo. 
Cohen isn't much of an Easter-Egg Hunter. He would rather hunt for loose candy and lollipops that were strewn among the Easter Eggs. I don't blame him. Most of the eggs were filled with stickers anyways.   

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Vista, California, United States
A picture journal from some of our best memories and everyday life.