April 8, 2011

4 years

Andy and I have been married for FOUR years.
It seems like it's been 10 years.
I don't mean for that to sound bad, it's just that SO much has happened in the past 4 years...

We got married, lived in La Habra for about 3 months, moved to Vista, lived in our pretty little apartment in the ghetto, I worked at a CPA office/Andy @ Berrett, got pregnant with Cohen, bought our first house(condo), had a baby Cohen, did LOTS of home improvements, had another baby Ben... and that is where we are now. Two lovebirds living with our 2 boys in our tiny nest (that we can't move out of because it's worth less than what we bought it for).

It sounds all rosy when I put it in a nutshell, but let me tell you, it hasn't been ALL peaches. First of all, I was pregnant twice, which means I turned into a complete crazy person twice. We moved twice, which means Andy was a crazy person twice (he HATEs change). And now we have 2 needy kids which is much harder than one needy kid. And I sort of resent all of the people who told us "it's not that hard."  What a bunch of liars.   BUT, I wouldn't undo any of our trials (if I could)  because they have made us stronger as a couple. Moving away from family was really hard- especially in the beginning. but it forced us to become closer. We really are best friends.  Andy has learned that I'm a meany when I get stressed or tired (which usually happens once a day), and I know not to mess with him when he is hungry or tired.   

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Vista, California, United States
A picture journal from some of our best memories and everyday life.