October 15, 2012

Cohen is 4!

My sweet boy is turning into a big kid. It seems like overnight he has turned into this perfect four year old. Who brushes his teeth when I ask him to, and gets himself ready for bed. I thought that day would never come. He has grown up a lot this past year. He asks a lot of questions now. And has to know why everything is the way it is. He's a sensitive soul, like his dad. A recent example of this happened the other day while we were driving he asked me:
 C:  "Where do dinosaurs live?"
Me: Dinosaurs don't live anymore, they died a loonnng time ago.
C: (Bursts out in real tears) "I don't want them to DIE!"
Me: Well, they're not really dead, they are alive in Heaven with Grandpa.
C: (Stops crying immediately) "Oh."
I Love my boy Cohen. He's a very special kid and I'm so lucky to be his mom.
This year, we are going to Disneyland for Cohen/Ben's Birthdays. So we just had a very simple birthday for him on the 15th. Chuck-e-Cheese with his friend Connor during the day, and a Donut Cake (his request) and presents at night.


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Vista, California, United States
A picture journal from some of our best memories and everyday life.